Category: Uncategorized

  • Prize-giving at Gabinetto Vieusseux

    Prize-giving at Gabinetto Vieusseux

    The award ceremony for the Florentine Incipitojo will take place on 24 October from 17:00, at Gabinetto Scientifico Letterario G.P. Vieusseux (whose founder is buried in Cimitero degli Inglesi).Debora Spini will present the ceremony & Amerigo Fontani will take care of the reading of the six awarded works (three in prose and three in poetry).…

  • Thanks to all

    Thanks to those who visited the exhibition & in particular to those who tried their hand at writing!The Jury will soon begin evaluating the works. Authors awarded or mentioned will be personally notified in due time, in view of the prize-giving on 24 October at Gabinetto Scientifico Letterario G.P. Vieusseux.



    [The conference is held in Italian, hence the Italian description] Sabato 11 maggio, dalle ore 16:00, conferenza collaterale all’Incipitojo nella Biblioteca delle Oblate di Firenze (Sala storica Dino Campana). I contributi vertono sui due cimiteri evangelici fiorentini & su personalità là sepolte. La conferenza è moderata da Adriano Rigoli [Presidente Associazione Nazionale Case della Memoria…

  • Incipitojo on Florence’s la Repubblica

    Incipitojo on Florence’s la Repubblica

    Barbara Gabbrielli illustrates Incipitojo on the Florentine edition of la Repubblica: